John Terhune said, "One of the most powerful resources available to human beings is their attitude. A person's attitude touches in a positive or negative way every part of one's life. It affects people's relationships, their physical and mental energy, their stamina, their self-image, their work habits, their willingness to try something new and challenging, their ability to deal with stressful situations, their degree of happiness, and of course their ability to achieve beyond their current circumstances."
This speaks volumes to me right now. I am working on building my first home-based business, learning to build a business and lead others to do the same in duplication of my mentors who are leading me. I am training for my first half-marathon, a big step for me, something I really never considered until about a year ago. These are new and very challenging to my body and mind!
My goal is absolutely to achieve beyond my current circumstances. Yesterday I ran 5 miles for the first time (maybe I did it in high school sports, too long ago to recall) and it felt fantastic! I'm now excited to get through this weeks short runs so I can do 6 miles for my long run and push myself that one mile further! I am learning to build my own home-based business to have the freedom to spend more time with my family; freedom to travel to places we have dreamed about; buy the home we have dreamed about; so my husband can really enjoy his job as an entertainer versus do it as the only income for the family and worry about it.
I am working at creating and protecting a great attitude to ultimately achieve more in my life! I am working with an amazing team, the Hager Marketing Group, under some great leaders who have so much to teach me. It's so exciting because we are in a company that really has not been around very long and has so much potential and the leader who has the experience, proven track record and passion to take it to its full potential. I'm excited to be part of this so early in the making of this company, to know that some day I'll look back and remember when it was just beginning and so was I! But to get there, I first have to achieve a great attitude and let nothing stand in my way.
How do you develop a great attitude? Many steps, but three I am currently focusing on:
1. Training for the half-marathon...the better I feel about myself, the better attitude I will have!
2. I am surrounding myself with amazing people. For myself, leaders who have the proven track record in this industry and who can teach me how to reach my goals. Other people with positive attitudes, those who will inspire me!
3. I am dreaming of a better tomorrow for myself and my family, living with an attitude of expectation. I love how John Terhune puts it, "People who are on a mission and seeking to accomplish great things find having a great attitude much easier because they have a high degree of expectation of tomorrow."
My mentors continue to say, you must have goals and put them in front of you continuously. Seeing those goals and having a clear vision for your life will help you get through any adversity you will face. And in reaching for success, there will be a great deal of adversity to overcome. I am facing it on a daily basis and learning through each situation to push forward in my journey. I am passionate about the products, the company and most importantly the opportunity I have to not only pursue my dreams, but then lead others to pursue theirs as well. It feels so good to have found an opportunity that I can again be passionate about and excited to go to work for everyday and share with other people! I have so much to learn, but I am not giving up, I'm pushing forward and working hard at having a positive attitude every day, letting nothing get in the way. I'll be honest, it's a work in progress, but I'm getting there!
"When you have crafted a compelling dream and you are engaged in the passionate pursuit of that dream, you glow with purposefulness...Dream big and chase your dream with extreme passion. You will be duplicated." ~ John Terhune
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