Welcome to my story!

Thank you for visiting my blog! Here I share my ups and downs of being a mom who has tried working from home, but most importantly wants to be healthy and share it with others. If you can make money while doing it...AWESOME!

I have a passion for LIFE and that includes my family, working out, eating healthy, and sharing what works and doesn't work with others.

I LOVE working with Xango and their new product Favao, it gives me the opportunity to mentor others to reach their health and wealth goals!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Gotta Have Faith!

Wow, what a week!! I had an amazing power training session at the Zrii Headquarters in Salt Lake City on Saturday and a huge focus was having Faith, believing in this awesome opportunity! That's been the biggest thing for me throughout my journey so far in my home-based business. Faith in the leaders I have been so fortunate to meet in this opportunity; faith in the system they have proven over and over to be VERY successful; faith that network marketing is a better way to provide for my family financially. It is definitely an up and down roller coaster ride, I won't lie, but it's so exciting at the same time. As I've mentioned, personal growth is something I am really focusing on and this opportunity is providing me a lot of opportunities to grow personally! I have my good and my bad days, but I will not give up. I will keep learning from my mentors and pushing myself a little more everyday. I not only want success for myself and my family, but I want to show others how to reach their dreams as well!

Sunday, my church service tied right into this whole idea of Faith! It was AWESOME! For the next 30 days we are covering what Sr. Pastor Jud Wilhite calls Neon Faith. This week was called "Radical Faith". Key points: Learn to see with faith; Keep looking up even when things are down; Step out in Faith. It's about putting Faith into action in your life, and that can be different for everyone!

One of the scriptures was Matthew 6:30-33: Why do you have so little faith? "So Don't worry about these things, saying, 'What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear? These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

I do believe this wholeheartedly. I will continue to look up even when things are down, because as said in Hebrews 11:1: Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.

These words spoke so powerfully to me! Especially because I am at a point in my career where I am trying something new, but something that feels so right and I HOPE it will be! I finally have more flexibility with my time to spend more with my girls and husband. I have the opportunity to make financially what I want to make. No more working for someone else who is telling me how much I can make or when I can take time off or how long I can take off. I am on a mission to be successful with this home-based business. I have SO much to learn, but that's just what I'm doing on a daily basis....LEARNING and Growing!

I love a post Sr. Pastor Wilhite put on Facebook and then said again on Sunday, "Tell God how big your problem is and then tell your problem how big your God is"! NO problem is too big as long as you have FAITH!

I have already had some success in using some things I learned on Saturday and plan to see even more in the next couple of days as I continue to follow the system laid out for us. I'm also looking forward to a great trip back to Connecticut to see my husband's family. We have not been there since Christmas and can't wait for them to see how much the girls have changed! So here's to another great week!!

If you would like to see the awesome sermon at Central Christian about Radical Faith from this last Sunday, go to http://www.centralchristian.com/home.asp and click on Radical Faith 10.25 Weekend Message.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Moving Forward with my Weight Loss Challenge!

I am so happy, I have received all of my NutriiVeda meal replacement shakes so I'm ready to start my own personal weight loss challenge. I've had a few people sign up to join me so far and I look forward to tracking my progress and supporting them as they do the same! I'm still looking for more to join in though. I have found I always do so much better when I have other people to help push me...like how they say you should workout with someone because you are much more likely to get off that couch and go if you have someone else meeting you! Well, I feel it's the same for anything...you have to hold yourself accountable, but much easier to do when you also have others who are working at it with you! So if you're interested, send me a message and I'll get you the details!

Here is what I am personally doing...I started yesterday!
NutriiVeda Shakes and Zrii supplemental drink:
I am having a NutriiVeda shake for breakfast and then another one either for lunch or right after my workout, many times that coincides because I go workout before lunch. So I'm replacing two meals with something that costs only $3 per meal and gives my body ALL of the nutrients it needs (22 vitamins and mineral, amino acids, protein), it's awesome! I'm saving some money and feeling GREAT!! I am also doing 2 ounces of the Zrii nutritional beverage each day.
I am working out 5 days a week right now because of my training for the half-marathon. So I run 3 miles one day, 4 miles three days and a long run one day. The long run started at 5 miles and I add a mile every week. I will be honest, missed my 6 mile this last Sunday due to family being in town and laziness! So as long as I stick to it from here on out I'll run my first 12 mile run the week before the half-marathon. PERFECT! On the days I am running only 3 and 4 miles I am also doing some total body weight training after.

So yesterday I weighed myself and took measurements and will do it again in a week to see where I am...I'll post the results!! Very excited to see what happens because these shakes not only help people lose weight, but they also target the inner fat so often times you see more results in the inches you lose! Fine with me, I've never been much of a "scale" person...it's more about how I feel when I put clothes on!! If I can put my first outfit on and love how it fits, we're moving in the right direction!!! Ladies reading this, you know exactly what I'm talking about!

So right now I am working towards losing 14 more pounds and inches off of my waist and hips. Those wonderful areas my two beautiful babies added to the most!!! SO worth it, but time for me to get them back...or actually I want to make them better than before:) I'm back into a size 10, when I can comfortably fit (comfortably meaning zip up and breathe and no pain whatsoever) into a size 8...it will be time to reward myself with a new outfit! Remember, you want to set even short goals to reach!

I am really excited to get this going for myself and to share with others. I have many friends and family who are already seeing some great results from these shakes. I want in on it!! Especially if I can do it before the holidays. And not because I'll then be able to eat everything in sight, but because I'll have better eating habits so I won't be AS tempted! But a few of my mother-in-laws sugar cookies won't hurt (if she'll make some here in Vegas for us)!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pray for Little JJ!

I just got an updated blog from my friend Amy. Her 3 year old son, JJ, recently had a major surgery done to have his "closure surgery" which was to have his liver put back in . Her family worked hard to raise money for his surgery and now they are having to do it all over again on November 11th. When I first heard of little JJ it just broke my heart, as a mother I cannot imagine what Amy and her husband and family are going through. I am so blessed and thank God every day for my two girls who are healthy. Reading JJ's story really is something, he's such a trooper, as his mom writes, and it's so wonderful to hear that. However, it's so hard on all of them. He has had problems since his surgery, so hopefully they can figure it out and get the little guy feeling better so he can play with his big sister and not have the pains anymore!

Amy has a blog to tell JJ's story, please take a look at it at http://teamhelpjj.blogspot.com/ and if you can donate, that is wonderful! Or, you may be interested in purchasing some beautiful watch bands Amy has made or bows or headbands. This will all go to the surgery, so anything is helpful! Christmas is coming soon, here are some great gifts to buy and for a great cause! Your thoughts and prayers are also very much appreciated.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Bringing the Right Attitude!

John Terhune said, "One of the most powerful resources available to human beings is their attitude. A person's attitude touches in a positive or negative way every part of one's life. It affects people's relationships, their physical and mental energy, their stamina, their self-image, their work habits, their willingness to try something new and challenging, their ability to deal with stressful situations, their degree of happiness, and of course their ability to achieve beyond their current circumstances."

This speaks volumes to me right now. I am working on building my first home-based business, learning to build a business and lead others to do the same in duplication of my mentors who are leading me. I am training for my first half-marathon, a big step for me, something I really never considered until about a year ago. These are new and very challenging to my body and mind!

My goal is absolutely to achieve beyond my current circumstances. Yesterday I ran 5 miles for the first time (maybe I did it in high school sports, too long ago to recall) and it felt fantastic! I'm now excited to get through this weeks short runs so I can do 6 miles for my long run and push myself that one mile further! I am learning to build my own home-based business to have the freedom to spend more time with my family; freedom to travel to places we have dreamed about; buy the home we have dreamed about; so my husband can really enjoy his job as an entertainer versus do it as the only income for the family and worry about it.

I am working at creating and protecting a great attitude to ultimately achieve more in my life! I am working with an amazing team, the Hager Marketing Group, under some great leaders who have so much to teach me. It's so exciting because we are in a company that really has not been around very long and has so much potential and the leader who has the experience, proven track record and passion to take it to its full potential. I'm excited to be part of this so early in the making of this company, to know that some day I'll look back and remember when it was just beginning and so was I! But to get there, I first have to achieve a great attitude and let nothing stand in my way.

How do you develop a great attitude? Many steps, but three I am currently focusing on:
1. Training for the half-marathon...the better I feel about myself, the better attitude I will have!
2. I am surrounding myself with amazing people. For myself, leaders who have the proven track record in this industry and who can teach me how to reach my goals. Other people with positive attitudes, those who will inspire me!
3. I am dreaming of a better tomorrow for myself and my family, living with an attitude of expectation. I love how John Terhune puts it, "People who are on a mission and seeking to accomplish great things find having a great attitude much easier because they have a high degree of expectation of tomorrow."

My mentors continue to say, you must have goals and put them in front of you continuously. Seeing those goals and having a clear vision for your life will help you get through any adversity you will face. And in reaching for success, there will be a great deal of adversity to overcome. I am facing it on a daily basis and learning through each situation to push forward in my journey. I am passionate about the products, the company and most importantly the opportunity I have to not only pursue my dreams, but then lead others to pursue theirs as well. It feels so good to have found an opportunity that I can again be passionate about and excited to go to work for everyday and share with other people! I have so much to learn, but I am not giving up, I'm pushing forward and working hard at having a positive attitude every day, letting nothing get in the way. I'll be honest, it's a work in progress, but I'm getting there!

"When you have crafted a compelling dream and you are engaged in the passionate pursuit of that dream, you glow with purposefulness...Dream big and chase your dream with extreme passion. You will be duplicated." ~ John Terhune